Kristīne Valujeva
- Meža un ūdens resursu zinātniskā laboratorija - vadošā pētniece
- Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts - docente
Pieņemšanas laiki
- T
16:00 - 17:00, 401. telpa
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Studiju kursi
- Ekoloģija un vides aizsardzība
- Vides aizsardzība un ilgtspējīga attīstība
- Maģistra darbs I
- Zinātniskās aktualitātes
- Ilgtspējīga resursu apsaimniekošana
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- The effects of soil tillage and crop rotation on GHG emissions from clay soil: case study from Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Environmental parameters and management as factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions from clay soil / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Madara Darguza, Kristaps Siltumens, Ainis Lagzdins, Inga Grinfelde
- GHG emission variability from soil in conventional farming system / Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Pathways for governance opportunities: Social network analysis to create targeted and effective policies for agricultural and environmental development / Kristine Valujeva, Elizabeth K. Freed, Aleksejs Nipers, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Rogier P.O.Schulte
- Meeting national land use related objectives while safeguarding typical landscapes / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa
- Can farmers meet all the societal demands with the available natural resources? : thesis subbmitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of doctor / Kristine Valujeva ; [Supervisors/Advisors]: R.P.O. Schult, Dr.oec. A. Nipers (Co-promotor).
- Soil tillage and agricultural crops affect greenhouse gas emissions from Cambic Calcisol in a temperate climate / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Olga Skiste, Sindija Liepa, Ainis Lagzdins, Inga Grinfelde
- Abandoned farmland: Past failures or future opportunities for Europe’s Green Deal? A Baltic case-study / Kristine Valujeva, Mariana Debernardini, Elizabeth K. Freed, Aleksejs Nipers, Rogier P. O. Schulte
- The impact of crop on GHG emissions from clay soils: case study of Latvia / Anete Anna Zālīte, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Juris Burlakovs, Zane Vincevica-Gaile
- Assessment of chemical elements pollution from vehicle emissions: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Laima Berzina, Oskars Purmalis
- The conceptual framework of development of environmentally friendly land drainage system elements technical solutions / Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristine Valujeva, Juris Burlakovs
- The development of ecosystem services as premise of sustainable development: case study of Svete river in Latvia / Dace Grazule, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Juris Burlakovs, Kristine Valujeva
- The education for sustainable development for environmental engineering students / Inga Grinfelde, Baiba Briede, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristine Valujeva, Sindija Liepa
- Towards an improved understanding of greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils used for agricultural production / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde
- Magnetometry and electromagnetic screening of dumps - fast solution for geoenvironmental information aquisition / Juris Burlakovs, Kristīne Valujeva, Jani Yahya, Mait Kriipsalu, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi
- The heavy metal deposition in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Kristine Valujeva, Vadims Ulcugacevs
- Optimisation of land use for improved soil based ecosystem services: an example from Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Aleksejs Nipers
- The anthropogenic impact on surface water quality: case study of Latvia / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Linda Eliza Jumite, Kristine Valujeva, Vanesa Luize Didze
- Geophysical aspects of abandoned landfill geomorphological and material properties macro-characterization / Juris Burlakovs, Yahya Jani, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva
- Assessment of soil functions: an example of meeting competing national and international obligations by harnessing regional differences / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Ainars Lupikis, Rogier P. O. Schulte
- The impact of soil treatment and moisture regime on N2O emissions from agricultural soil / Paula Eihe, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Lasma Lucija Vebere
- The ammonia emission reduction effect of acidification of pig slurry digestate applied on winter wheat / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Paula Eihe, Kristine Valujeva
- Assessment of ecosystem services in Nida bog / Anete Dzene, Kristine Valujeva
- Functional land management for identifying regional transition pathways for sustainable development: an example from the Nordic region / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Rogier Schulte
- Assessment of land use change scenario to increase primary productivity function at local scale / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Ainars Lupikis, Jovita Pilecka, Rogier P.O. Schulte
- Exploring the trade-offs between soil functions at local scale / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Jovita Pilecka, Juris Zarins
- Environmental management of remediative and revitalization initiatives in Baltic Sea region / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Linda Grinberga, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs
- Analyzing differently prepared snow samples to determine air quality in the city / Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Lasma Lucija Vebere, Oskars Purmalis
- Snow in the cities as an indicator of air pollution caused by traffic / Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Paula Eihe, Oskars Purmalis
- Phytoremediation as tool for prevention of contaminant flow to hydrological systems / Kristine Valujeva, Juris Burlakovs, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Yahya Jani, William Hogland
- Moisture effect on CO2, CH4, NH3 and N2O emissions from soils in Latvia / Liene Kalniņa, Olga Frolova, Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde
- Supply and demand of multiple soil functions in two different regions in Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Juris Zarins
- The temporal and spatial analysis of transport impact on trace elements in snow samples / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- The spatial analysis of air pollution with trace elements using snow sampling / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Olga Frolova, Oskars Purmalis
- The chamber configuration impact on soil flux precision using cavity ring-down spectroscopy / Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Ruta Kalnina, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva
- Soil moisture impact on ammonia soil fluxes with input of mineral nitrogen / Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka
- Zemes izmantošanas iespēju novērtējums Latvijā klimata politikas kontekstā / Kristīne Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Rogier P. O. Schulte
- Karjera tipa kūdras ieguves ietekme uz augstā purva hidroloģisko režīmu / Inga Grīnfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Jovita Pilecka, Kristīne Valujeva
- Heavy metal contamination and distribution in the urban environment of Jelgava / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- The measurements of ammonia emission from agricultural soils using cavity ring down spectroscopy / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva
- Automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide emission measurements from soil using recirculation system / Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Karina Zaharane, Laima Berzina
- The Automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions measurements from soil using recirculation and closed chamber systems [elektroniskais resurss] / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva
- Greenhouse gases and ammonia emission evaluation of conventional and organic dairy farming in Baltic region / Laima Berzina, Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva
- The measurements of direct N2O and NH3 emissions from nitrogen fertilizers application in laboratory conditions / Olga Frolova, Karina Zaharane, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Laima Berzina
- Heavy metal concentration and distribution of snow and lichea samples in urban area: case study of Jelgava / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- Measurement time estimation of CO2, CH4, N2O and NH3 in closed chambers and recirculation system with Picarro G2508 analyser / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova, Laima Berzina, Inga Grinfelde
- Spektrofotometra Picarro G2508 izmantošanas iespējas siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju noteikšanai dažādās augsnēs / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde, Olga Frolova, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Bērziņa
- Frēzkūdras ieguves ietekme uz augstā purva hidroloģisko režīmu / Inga Grīnfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova, Kristīne Valujeva
- The application of phytoremediation technology in Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde
- Ilgtspējīgs zemju izmantošanas koncepts: augsnes funkciju optimizācija Īrijā / Kristīne Valujeva, Lilian O’Sullivan, Carsten Gutzler, Reamonn Fealy, Rogier P.O. Schulte
- The challenge of managing soil functions at multiple scales: an optimisation study of the synergistic and antagonistic trade-offs between soil functions in Ireland / Kristine Valujeva, Lilian O’Sullivan, Carsten Gutzler, Reamonn Fealy, Rogier P. O. Schulte
- The abandoned block-cut peat extraction field influence on the natural raised bog hydrological regime / Oskars Purmalis, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Juris Burlakovs
- The peat extraction impact on hydrological regime of the raised bog / I. Grinfelde, K. Valujeva, O. Purmalis
- Augi palīdz attīrīt piesārņojumu / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde, Inga Straupe.
- Fitoremediācija : izmantošanas iespējas Latvijā / K. Valujeva, I. Grīnfelde, I. Straupe ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Meža un ūdens resursu zinātniskā laboratorija.
- Gruntsūdeņu attīrīšana no naftas produktiem, izmantojot fitoremediācijas metodi / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde, Inga Straupe
- Groundwater remediation of oil products by using the phytoremediation method / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde
- The abandoned block-cut peat extraction field impact on the naturally raised bog hydrological regime / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde
- Ar karjeras metodi izstrādāto kūdras purvu hidroloģiskā režīma atjaunošanās / Inga Grīnfelde, Kristīne Valujeva, Oskars Purmalis
- Manure management systems impact on GHG emissions / Ritvars Sudars, Juris Priekulis, Laima Bērziņa, Kristine Valujeva
- The use of phytoremediation method in Latvia / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Inga Grīnfelde