Inga Grīnfelde
- Meža un ūdens resursu zinātniskā laboratorija - pētniece
- Meža un vides zinātņu fakultāte - studiju programmas direktore
- Ainavu arhitektūras un vides inženierijas institūts - asociētā profesore; vadošā pētniece
Pieņemšanas laiki
- O 16:30 - 17:30, Akadēmijas iela 19, 404.kabinets
- Pk 07:30 - 08:30, Akadēmijas iela 19, 404. kabinets
Studiju kursi
- Inženierhidroloģija
- Meliorācija
- Vides projektu vadība
- Limnoloģija un hidrobioloģija
- Maģistra darbs I
- Hidroloģisko procesu modelēšana
- Zemes meliorācija
- Zinātniskās aktualitātes
- Vides inženierijas prakse
- Vides inženierijas pamati
- Pētījumu rezultātu prezentēšana I
- Pētījumu rezultātu prezentēšana IV
- Pētījumu rezultātu publicēšana I
- Pētījumu rezultātu publicēšana IV
- Pētniecība I
- Pētniecība II
- Pētniecība III
- Pētniecība IV
- Pētniecība V
Zinātniskās publikācijas
- Use of shredded textile waste as material for sound absorption / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Ginters Znots, Rudolfs Golubovs, Raitis Brencis
- Recycling of textile waste into sound-absorbing acoustic plates / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Ginters Znots, Rudolfs Golubovs, Raitis Brencis
- Influence of industry on air pollution in Jelgava city / Inga Grinfelde, Kristaps Siltumens, Vilda Grybauskiene, Maris Bertins, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Distribution of iron in dust near streets: case study Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Oskars Purmalis, Anda Bakute, Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde
- Water stable isotopes as drinking water quality indicator in dug wells of eastern Latvia / Oskars Purmalis, Alise Babre, Linards Klavins, Ruta Ozola-Davidane, Maris Klavins, Konrads Popovs, Inga Grinfelde
- Effect of moisture and organic matter content on N2O emissions / Sindija Liepa, Luize Lepiksone, Dace Butenaite, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Effect of soil granulometric composition and moisture on the formation of N2O isotopes / Sindija Liepa, Dace Butenaite, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde
- GHG emission variability from soil in conventional farming system / Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Interaction between methane and carbon dioxide emissions using methane-reducing biocover / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs, Sindija Liepa, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Interaction between methane and nitrous oxide emissions using methane-reducing biocover / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs, Sindija Liepa, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Impacts of biocover composition on greenhouse gas emission / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs, Sindija Liepa, Linda Grinberga
- Reduction of methane emission from landfills with cellulose in biocover / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Juris Burlakovs, Sabine Makejeva
- Use of isotopes for identification of N2O sources from soils / Sindija Liepa, Dace Butenaite, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Environmental parameters and management as factors affecting greenhouse gas emissions from clay soil / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Madara Darguza, Kristaps Siltumens, Ainis Lagzdins, Inga Grinfelde
- The effects of soil tillage and crop rotation on GHG emissions from clay soil: case study from Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- The spatial and temporal distribution of aluminum emissions in air from transport in Jelgava / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Juris Burlakovs, Maris Bertins
- Konceptuālā hidroloģiskā modeļa METQ pilnveide urbānās hidroloģiskās atbildes vienības izveidei un SEG emisiju modelēšanai : promocijas darba kopsavilkums zinātnes doktora grāda (Ph.D.) iegūšanai / Inga Grīnfelde ; promocijas darba zinātniskie vadītāji: Ph.D. Artūrs Veinbergs, Dr.geogr. Oskars Purmalis.
- Konceptuālā hidroloģiskā modeļa METQ pilnveide urbānās hidroloģiskās atbildes vienības izveidei un SEG emisiju modelēšanai : promocijas darbs tematiski vienotu zinātnisko publikāciju apkopojums zinātnes doktora grāda zinātnes doktore (Ph.D.) inženierzinātnēs un tehnoloģijās iegūšanai / Inga Grīnfelde ; promocijas darba zinātniskie vadītāji: Ph.D. Artūrs Veinbergs, Dr.geogr. Oskars Purmalis.
- Formation of N2O isotopes in agricultural soils / Sindija Liepa, Dace Butenaite, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde
- Mapping the link between climate change and mangrove forest: a global overview of the literature / Thirukanthan Chandra Segaran, Mohamad Nor Azra, Fathurrahman Lananan, Juris Burlakovs, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Vita Rudovica, Inga Grinfelde, Nur Hannah Abd Rahim, Behara Satyanarayana
- The distribution of tungsten in Jelgava city at 2022 and 2023 / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Anda Bakute, Maris Bertins, Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde
- The evolution of coral reef under changing climate: A scientometric review / Chandra Segaran Thirukanthan, Mohamad Nor Azra, Fathurrahman Lananan, Gianluca Sara’, Inga Grinfelde, Vita Rudovica, Zane Vincevica-Gaile Juris Burlakovs
- Meeting national land use related objectives while safeguarding typical landscapes / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa
- Case study-based integrated assessment of former waste disposal sites transformed to green space in terms of ecosystem services and land assets recovery / Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Juris Burlakovs, Maija Fonteina-Kazeka, Magdalena Wdowin, Emil Hanc, Vita Rudovica, Maris Krievans, Inga Grinfelde, Kristaps Siltumens, Mait Kriipsalu, Hani Amir Aouissi, Aissam Gaagai, Muhammad Zahoor
- Revitalization’s future of landfill as a land asset / Juris Burlakovs, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Inga Grinfelde
- Challenges for the development of lowland rivers ecosystem services in the context of sustainable development goals / Dace Grazule, Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Juris Burlakovs, Kristaps Siltumens
- Territory planning and integrated natural resource management : Project of Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 "Sticky urban areas" / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies; Daiga Skujāne, Natālija Ņitavska, Madara Markova, Aiga Spāģe, Inga Grīnfelde
- Effect of soil physical properties on N2O isotope formation / Sindija Liepa, Kristaps Siltumens, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Dace Butenaite
- Challenges for the development of lowland rivers ecosystem services in the context of sustainable development goals / Inga Grinfelde, Kristaps Siltumens, Sindija Liepa, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Juris Burlakovs
- The spatial and temporal distribution of zinc in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Reinis Mednis, Anda Bakute, Kristaps Siltumens
- The spatial and temporal distribution of lead in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Anda Bakute
- Heavy metals air pollution in Jelgava city Latvia / Inga Grinfelde, Kristaps Siltumens, Sindija Liepa, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Anda Bakute
- Assessment of chemical elements pollution from vehicle emissions: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Oskars Purmalis, Kristaps Siltumēns
- Impact of weed control technologies on GHG emissions in wheat and beans / Kristaps Siltumens, Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Viktorija Zagorska
- Effect of soil physical properties on N2O isotope formation / Sindija Liepa, Kristaps Siltumens, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Dace Butenaite
- Composition of the isotopes of nitrous oxide in the clay soil at different moisture conditions / Sindija Liepa, Dace Butenaite, Anda Bakute, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- The spatial and temporal distribution of zinc in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Reinis Mednis, Anda Bakute, Kristaps Siltumens
- Impacts of grassland plant composition on GHG emissions in clay soil / Kristaps Siltumens, Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde, Diana Ruska, Dzidra Kreismane
- Potentiometrical screening of landfill mined fine fraction of waste / Juris Burlakovs, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Kristaps Siltumens, Zane Vincevica-Gaile
- Biocover composition impact on landfill methane emissions reduction / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Elina Paula Puzule, Juris Burlakovs
- Polder system impact on Natura 2000 territories: a case study of Valgunde Latvia / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Anda Bakute
- Farm management practice impact on N2O emission / Dace Butenaite, Sindija Liepa, Kristaps Siltumens, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Influence of grown culture on N2O formation / Sindija Liepa, Kristaps Siltumens, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Dace Butenaite
- Urban ecology in the context of natural resources and main risks / Daiga Skujāne, Inga Grīnfelde
- Possibilities of using water resources in the urban environment. sustainable rainwater management and flood-adaptive planning / Daiga Skujāne, Inga Grīnfelde
- Pilsētas ekoloģija dabas resursu kontekstā un galvenie riski / Daiga Skujāne, Inga Grīnfelde
- Ūdens resursa izmantošanas iespējas pilsētvidē. Lietusūdeņu ilgtspējīga apsaimniekošana un plūdiem adaptīva plānošana / Daiga Skujāne, Inga Grīnfelde
- Opportunities for the development of seasonal ecosystem services in the context of sustainable river hydrology / Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Juris Burlakovs, Anda Bakute
- Applying macroalgal biomass as an energy source: utility of the Baltic Sea beachwrack for thermochemical conversion / Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Varvara Sachpazidou, Valdis Bisters, Maris Klavins, Olga Anne, Inga Grinfelde, Emil Hanc, William Hogland, Muhammad Asim Ibrahim, Yahya Jani, Mait Kriipsalu, Divya Pal, Kaur-Mikk Pehme, Merrit Shanskiy, Egle Saaremäe, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Armands Celms, Vita Rudovica, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, Magdalena Wdowin, Muhammad Zahoor, Hani Amir Aouissi, Andrey E. Krauklis, Ivar Zekker, Juris Burlakovs
- Valorization of marine waste: use of industrial by-products and beach wrack towards the production of high added-value products / Vita Rudovica, Ana Rotter, Susana P. Gaudêncio, Lucie Novoveská, Füsun Akgül, Linn Kristin Akslen-Hoel, Diogo A. M. Alexandrino, Olga Anne, Lauris Arbidans, Miroslava Atanassova, Magdalena Bełdowska, Jacek Bełdowski, Amit Bhatnagar, Oskars Bikovens, Valdis Bisters, Maria F. Carvalho, Teresa S. Catalá, Arita Dubnika, Ayşegül Erdoğan, Laura Ferrans, Berat Z. Haznedaroglu, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, Bożena Graca, Inga Grinfelde, William Hogland, Efstathia Ioannou, Yahya Jani, Marija Kataržytė, Stefanos Kikionis, Katja Klun, Jonne Kotta, Mait Kriipsalu, Jalel Labidi, Lada Lukić Bilela, Marta Martínez-Sanz, Juliana Oliveira, Ruta Ozola-Davidane, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristyna Pospiskova, Céline Rebours, Vassilios Roussis, Amparo López-Rubio, Ivo Safarik, Frank Schmieder, Karina Stankevica, Toomas Tamm, Deniz Tasdemir, Cristiana Torres, Giovanna Cristina Varese, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Ivar Zekker and Juris Burlakovs
- The calculation algorithm of nitrous oxide emissions from soils integration into the conceptual hydrological model METQ / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Teritoriju plānošana un integrēta dabas resursu pārvaldība / Daiga Skujāne, Natālija Ņitavska, Madara Markova, Aiga Spāģe, Inga Grīnfelde ; Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte.
- Analysis of the removal of BOD5, COD and suspended solids in subsurface flow constructed wetland in Latvia = Analiza usuwania BZT5, CHZT i zawiesiny ogólnej w sztucznym ekosystemie mokradłowym o poziomym przepływie podpowierzchniowym, zlokalizowanym na Łotwie / Linda Grinberga, Dagnija Grabuža, Inga Grīnfelde, Didzis Lauva, Armands Celms, Wojciech Sas, Andrzej Głuchowski, Justyna Dzięcioł
- Towards 'beyond the zero waste concept' : innovative solutions for valorization of fine residual waste fraction from landfills: rare earth elements potential / Juris Burlakovs, Ruta Ozola-Davidane, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Magdalena Wdowin, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Ivar Zekker
- Prevalence of long-term and short-term pollution of chemical elements in the city of Jelgava / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Anda Bakute, Inga Grinfelde
- Circular economy model of nitrogen management and bioenergy production from waste water / Inga Grinfelde, Alina Rozenvalde, Dace Grazule, Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva, Linda Grinberga, Kristaps Siltumens, Anda Bakute, Juris Burlakovs
- The spatial and temporal distribution of zinc in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Reinis Mednis, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Optimisation solutions for integrated river basin management: case study of Ligotne river in Latvia / Alvis Valentinovičs, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Soil tillage and agricultural crops affect greenhouse gas emissions from Cambic Calcisol in a temperate climate / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Olga Skiste, Sindija Liepa, Ainis Lagzdins, Inga Grinfelde
- Distribution and pollution of chemical elements in Jelgava urban environment / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Valters Zabelins, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Oskars Purmalis
- Material recovery and revitalisation of landfills: multitasking approach striving to 'beyond the zero waste' / Juris Burlakovs, Mait Kriipsalu, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Inga Grinfelde, Linda Grinberga
- The nitrous oxide isotope measurements for soil samples under laboratory conditions / Dace Butenaite, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Sindija Liepa
- The conceptual framework of development of environmentally friendly land drainage system elements technical solutions / Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristine Valujeva, Juris Burlakovs
- The development of ecosystem services as premise of sustainable development: case study of Svete river in Latvia / Dace Grazule, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Juris Burlakovs, Kristine Valujeva
- Phytoremediation plant development in common and eco friendly household dish washing products / Ieva Kleinberga, Inga Grinfelde, Inga Straupe, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Sindija Liepa
- The education for sustainable development for environmental engineering students / Inga Grinfelde, Baiba Briede, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristine Valujeva, Sindija Liepa
- Towards an improved understanding of greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils used for agricultural production / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Sindija Liepa, Inga Grinfelde
- Sustainable landfill fine fraction of waste reuse opportunities covering layer development / Juris Burlakovs, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Lauris Arbidans, Dace Arina, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi
- The impact of crop on GHG emissions from clay soils: case study of Latvia / Anete Anna Zālīte, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Sindija Liepa, Juris Burlakovs, Zane Vincevica-Gaile
- The risk assesment of air pollution caused by heavy metals using spatial modelling for 2018 and 2019 / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Tree species for phytoremediation in urban environments / Valters Zabelins, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Conceptual framework for the development of learning approaches in the context of education for sustainable development / Inga Grinfelde, Baiba Briede
- Mācību pieeju pilnveidošanas konceptuālais ietvars izglītības ilgtspējīgai attīstībai kontekstā = Conceptual framework for the development of learning approaches in the context of education for sustainable development / Inga Grīnfelde, Baiba Briede
- Towards sustainable soil stabilization in peatlands: secondary raw materials as an alternative / Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Tonis Teppand, Mait Kriipsalu, Maris Krievans, Yahya Jani, Maris Klavins, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, Inga Grinfelde, Vita Rudovica, Toomas Tamm, Merrit Shanskiy, Egle Saaremae, Ivar Zekker, Juris Burlakovs
- Dataset of trace elements concentrations in snow samples collected in Jelgava city (Latvia) in december 2020 / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Maris Bertins, Arturs Viksna, Vita Rudovica, Sindija Liepa, Juris Burlakovs
- The land use and climate change impact on lake Usma hydrological regime / A. Bakute, I. Grinfelde, J. Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, S. Liepa, K. Siltumens
- Heavy metals air pollution in Jelgava city Latvia / M. Stankevica, I. Grinfelde, A. Bakute, J. Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, O. Purmalis
- Valorization of marine waste: use of industrial by-products and beach wrack towards the production of high added-value products / Vita Rudovica, Ana Rotter, Susana P. Gaudêncio, Lucie Novoveská, Füsun Akgül, Linn Kristin Akslen-Hoel, Diogo A. M. Alexandrino, Olga Anne, Lauris Arbidans, Miroslava Atanassova, Magdalena Bełdowska, Jacek Bełdowski, Amit Bhatnagar, Oskars Bikovens, Valdis Bisters, Maria F. Carvalho, Teresa S. Catalá, Arita Dubnika, Ayşegül Erdoğan, Laura Ferrans, Berat Z. Haznedaroglu, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, Bożena Graca, Inga Grinfelde, William Hogland, Efstathia Ioannou, Yahya Jani, Marija Kataržytė, Stefanos Kikionis, Katja Klun, Jonne Kotta, Mait Kriipsalu, Jalel Labidi, Lada Lukić Bilela, Marta Martínez-Sanz, Juliana Oliveira, Ruta Ozola-Davidane, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Kristyna Pospiskova, Céline Rebours, Vassilios Roussis, Amparo López-Rubio, Ivo Safarik, Frank Schmieder, Karina Stankevica, Toomas Tamm, Deniz Tasdemir, Cristiana Torres, Giovanna Cristina Varese, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Ivar Zekker, Juris Burlakovs
- Composition of the isotopes of nitrous oxide in the clay soil at different moisture conditions / S. Liepa, D. Butenaite, A. Bakute, I. Grinfelde, J. Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- The conceptual framework of GHG module integration in conceptual hydrological model METQ / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Anda Bakute, Laima Berzina, Sindija Liepa
- Assessment of chemical elements pollution from vehicle emissions: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Laima Berzina, Oskars Purmalis
- Hydrological regime optimization model for sustainable management of lake: case study of Tasu lake / Kristaps Siltumens, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Lasma Lucija Vebere, Anda Bakute
- The circular economy model of wastewater transformation to renewable energy / Alina Rozenvalde, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Juris Burlakovs, Modrite Pelse
- Ammonia and methane emissions from digested manure after land application / Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Laima Berzina
- Implementation of new concepts in waste management in tourist metropolitan areas / J. Burlakovs, Y. Jani, M. Kriipsalu, I. Grinfelde, J. Pilecka, W. Hogland
- Environmental impact assessment of manure management systems in the context of integrated nitrogen management / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Juris Burlakovs
- The nitrous oxide isotope measurements for soil samples under laboratory conditions / Dace Butenaite, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Zane Vincevica-Gaile
- The balance of economic, environmental and social needs for sustainable management of lake ecosystem / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Paula Eiehe, Lasma Lucija Vebere
- The impact of soil treatment and moisture regime on N2O emissions from agricultural soil / Paula Eihe, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Lasma Lucija Vebere
- The heavy metal deposition in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Kristine Valujeva, Vadims Ulcugacevs
- Optimisation of land use for improved soil based ecosystem services: an example from Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Aleksejs Nipers
- The anthropogenic impact on surface water quality: case study of Latvia / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Linda Eliza Jumite, Kristine Valujeva, Vanesa Luize Didze
- Geophysical aspects of abandoned landfill geomorphological and material properties macro-characterization / Juris Burlakovs, Yahya Jani, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva
- Clay minerals and humic substances as landfill closure covering material constituents: first studies / Juris Burlakovs, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Ruta Ozola-Davidane
- Platinum group elements in geosphere and anthroposphere: interplay among the global reserves, urban ores, markets and circular economy / Juris Burlakovs, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Maris Krievans, Yahya Jani, Mika Horttanainen, Kaur-Mikk Pehme, Elina Dace, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi, Jovita Pilecka, Gintaras Denafas, Inga Grinfelde, Amit Bhatnagar, Vasiliy Rud, Vita Rudovica, Ronald L. Mersky, Olga Anne, Mait Kriipsalu, Ruta Ozola-Davidane, Toomas Tamm, Maris Klavins
- Car transport intensity impact on heavy metal distribution in urban environment / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Juris Burlakovs
- Impacts of erosion in Svete river / Paula Eihe, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Anda Bakute, Lasma Lucija Vebere
- The water quality in river and role of incoming flows: case study of Svete river / Lasma Lucija Vebere, Paula Eihe, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis
- Car transport intensity impact on heavy metal distribution in urban environment / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Juris Burlakovs
- The education sustainable development the key of eco-innovations / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva
- Trace elements footprint of transport in urban areas: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde
- Analyzing differently prepared snow samples to determine air quality in the city / Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Lasma Lucija Vebere, Oskars Purmalis
- Cūku mēslu digestāta paskābināšanas ietekme uz amonjaka emisiju apjomiem ziemas rapša sējumos / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde
- The ammonia emission reduction effect of acidification of pig slurry digestate applied on winter wheat / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Paula Eihe, Kristine Valujeva
- Snow in the cities as an indicator of air pollution caused by traffic / Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Paula Eihe, Oskars Purmalis
- Environmental management of remediative and revitalization initiatives in Baltic Sea region / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Linda Grinberga, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs
- Gateway of landfilled plastic waste towards circular economy in Europe / Juris Burlakovs, Mait Kriipsalu, Dmitry Porshnov, Yahya Jani, Viesturs Ozols, Kaur-Mikk Pehme, Vita Rudovica, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Tsitsino Turkadze, William Hogland, Maris Klavins
- Managing the Baltic Sea Region resilience: prevention, treatment actions and circular economy / J. Burlakovs, Y. Jani, L. Grinberga, M. Kriipsalu, O. Anne, I. Grinfelde, W. Hogland
- The impact of landscape structure of catchment area on lake hydrology / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Lasma Lucija Vebere
- Cūku mēslu digestāta paskābināšanas ietekme uz amonjaka emisiju apjomiem ziemas rapša sējumos = Ammonia emmision reduction effect on acidification of swine manure digester applied in winter rapeseed fields / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde
- Projekta pilotteritoriju piemēri. Fitoremediācijas process un ierīkoto teritoriju apsaimniekošana / N. Ņitavska, J. Pilecka, I. Grīnfelde, D. Skujāne
- Fitoremediācijas process un pieejas degradēto teritoriju revitalizācijā, izmantojot fitoremediācijas metodi / Jovita Pilecka, Grīnfelde Inga
- Galvenie slāpekļa slodžu avoti Latvijas virszemes ūdeņos / Ilga Kokorīte, Arta Bārdule, Laima Bērziņa, Linda Fibiga, Inga Grīnfelde, Solveiga Kadiķe, Aiga Krauze, Anete Kubliņa, Dagnija Lazdiņa, Emīls Rubīns
- The effect of acidification of pig slurry digestate applied on winter rapseed on the ammonia emission reduction / Paula Eihe, Lasma Lucija Vebere, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Varvara Sachpazidou, Juris Burlakovs
- The effect of acidification of pig slurry digestate applied on winter rapeseed on the ammonia emission reduction / Paula Eihe, Lasma Lucija Vebere, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Varvara Sachpazidou, Linda Grinberga
- The automated chambers application using cavity ring down spectroscopy at field measurements / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka
- Geoparks in cultural and landscape preservation context / Dmitry Porshnov, Juris Burlakovs, Mait Kriipsalu, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Yahya Jani, William Hogland
- Urban hydrology research fundamentals for waste management practices / Kaur-Mikk Pehme, Juris Burlakovs, Mait Kriipsalu, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Toomas Tamm, Yahya Jani, William Hogland
- Phytoremediation process and approaches to revitalization of degraded territories using the phytoremediation method / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde
- Pavyzdžiai iš projekto bandomųjų plotų (sklypų). Fitoremediacijos procesas, jos įgyvendinimas ir valdymas / N. Ņitavska, J. Pilecka, I. Grīnfelde, D. Skujāne
- Fitoremediacijos procesas ir būdai atgaivinti sunykusias teritorijas taikant fitovalymo metodą / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde
- Examples of project pilot-areas. Phytoremediation process, implementation and management / N. Ņitavska, J. Pilecka, I. Grīnfelde, D. Skujāne
- Gaisa piesārņojuma lihenoindikatīvā analīze Jelgavas pilsētā, Latvijā / Inga Straupe, Inga Grīnfelde, Oto Rums, Jovita Pilecka
- Urban waste problem in tourist cities and new concepts of waste minimization / Juris Burlakovs, Yahya Jani, Mait Kriipsalu, Inga Grinfelde, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, William Hogland
- Carpathian school as a tool for achieving sustainable development goals-2030 in mountain regions of Eastern Europe countries / Valeriy Mykhaylenko, Gintaras Denafas, Mait Kriipsalu, Tsitsino Turkadze, Inga Grinfelde, Mika Horttanainen, Hambardzum Khachatryan, Mykola Blyzniuk, William Hogland
- Carpathian school as a tool for achieving sustainable development goals-2030 in mountain regions of Eastern Europe countries / Valeriy Mykhaylenko, Gintaras Denafas, Mait Kriipsalu, Tsitsino Turkadze, Inga Grinfelde, Mika Horttanainen, Hambardzum Khachatryan, Mykola Blyzniuk, William Hogland
- The phytoremediation application in agricultural pollution reduction / Linda Grinberga, Inga Grinfelde
- Impact of inulin on production of methane, carbon dioxide and gastrointestinal canal functionality in calves / Sintija Jonova, Aija Ilgaza, Inga Grinfelde, Maksims Zolovs
- Phytoremediation as tool for prevention of contaminant flow to hydrological systems / Kristine Valujeva, Juris Burlakovs, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Yahya Jani, William Hogland
- Phytoremediation a step to circular economy in Baltic Sea region / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Juris Burlakovs, William Hogland
- The phytoremediation application in abandoned urban brownfields / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs, William Hogland
- The calibration and validation of forest hydrological response unit of conceptual hydrological model METQ / Z. Kalvite, Z. Libiete, I. Grinfelde
- Impact of the flour of Jerusalem artichoke on the production of methane and carbon dioxide and growth performance in calves / Sintija Jonova, Aija Ilgaza, Inga Grinfelde, Maksims Zolovs
- Challenge of phytoremediation solutions in prevention of desertification and related climate change problems / Juris Burlakovs, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Maris Krievans, Vita Rudovica, William Hogland
- Urbāno ūdenstilpņu ūdens kvalitāti ietekmējošie faktori / Līga Lauma Pļavniece, Inga Grīnfelde
- Dislāpekļa oksīda emisijas faktora atbilstības izvērtējums Latvijas augsnes un klimatiskajiem apstākļiem / Inga Grīnfelde, Laima Bērziņa, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova
- Integrēta slāpekļa apsaimniekošana lauksaimniecības sektorā klimata un vides politiku kontekstā / Inga Grīnfelde, Laima Bērziņa, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova
- Impact of the flour of jerusalem artichoke on production of methane and carbon dioxide and weight gain in calves’ / Sintija Jonova, Aija Ilgaža, Inga Grīnfelde, Maksims Zolovs
- Characterisation of wood combustion fly ash in a context of applicability in agriculture / Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Inga Grinfelde, Karina Stankevica, Edmunds Berzins, Maris Klavins
- Vēsturisko stikla rūpniecības zonu revitalizācija pašvaldību attīstības kontekstā : Dienvidzviedrijas piemērs / Inga Grīnfelde, William Hogland, Yahya Jani, Juris Burlakovs, Rūta Ozola, Olga Frolova, Jovita Pilecka, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile
- The role of Triple Helix in creating effective cooperation within applied research / Inga Grīnfelde, William Hogland, Juris Burlakovs, Rūta Ozola, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile
- Influence of decentralized sewage system on individual well drinking water chemical and microbiological quality / Agnese Ozoliņa, Inga Grīnfelde
- The role of triple helix in soil remediation projects / William Hogland, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Juris Burlakovs, Anna Rage
- Jelgavas gaisa piesārņojuma novērtējums ar lihenoindikācijas metodi / Oto Rums, Inga Straupe, Inga Grīnfelde
- Soil moisture impact on ammonia soil fluxes with input of mineral nitrogen / Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka
- The chamber configuration impact on soil flux precision using cavity ring-down spectroscopy / Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Ruta Kalnina, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva
- The spatial analysis of air pollution with trace elements using snow sampling / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Olga Frolova, Oskars Purmalis
- The temporal and spatial analysis of transport impact on trace elements in snow samples / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- Lauksaimniecības un notekūdeņu ietekme uz atklāto ūdens tilpņu ūdens kvalitāti / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde, Linda Elīza Jumīte, Vanesa Luīze Didze
- Sniega ūdens kvalitāte Jelgavas pilsētā / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde, Oskars Purmalis
- SEG un gaisu piesārņojošo vielu emisijas izvērtējums bioloģiskajās un konvencionālajās lauksaimniecības sistēmās / Laima Bērziņa, Inga Grīnfelde, Olga Frolova
- Tool of consistent reporting of GHG and air pollutant emissions: case study of Latvia's agricultural sector / Laima Berzina, Inga Grinfelde, Olga Frolova, Karina Zaharane, Jovita Pilecka
- Inulin impact on CO2 and CH4 balance in holstein friesian crossbreed calves rumen / Inga Grinfelde, Aija Ilgaza, Sintija Jonova, Astra Arne, Kaspars Kovalenko
- Lauksaimniecības gaisa piesārņojošo vielu emisiju samazinošo pasākumu izvērtējums / Olga Frolova, Laima Bērziņa, Inga Grīnfelde
- Distribution of short-term pollution of chemical elements in Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde
- Development of nitrogen balance for the Latvian agricultural sector / Elīna Austra Siliņa, Inga Grīnfelde
- Air pollution with heavy metals: case study in Jelgava / Kristaps Zalitis, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka
- Estimation of ammonia soil flux measurement time using Picarro G2508 / Janis Atelbauers, Inga Grinfelde
- High soil moisture effect on the sanitary condition of the forest stand / Indra Berga, Olga Miezīte, Inga Grīnfelde
- The impact of road salt on ground water quality / Oskars Eiduks, Inga Grīnfelde, Olga Frolova
- Ammonia emission measurements using cavity ring-down spectroscopy / Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde
- Integrated nitrogen management in Latvia’s agricultural sector in the framework of climate and environmental policies / Paula Eihe, Inga Grīnfelde, Laima Bērziņa, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova
- Moisture effect on CO2, CH4, NH3 and N2O emissions from soils in Latvia / Liene Kalniņa, Olga Frolova, Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde
- Chamber construction of Picarro G2508 effect on measurements accuracy / Rūta Kalniņa, Inga Grīnfelde
- Mined peatland restoration alternatives in climate politics context / Kristaps Knavins, Inga Grinfelde
- Karjera tipa kūdras ieguves ietekme uz augstā purva hidroloģisko režīmu / Inga Grīnfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Jovita Pilecka, Kristīne Valujeva
- The anthropogenic air pollution source identification in urban areas using snow sampling / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- Methane mitigation possibilities and weight gain in calves fed with prebiotic inulin / Sintija Jonova, Aija Ilgaza, Inga Grinfelde
- Heavy metal contamination and distribution in the urban environment of Jelgava / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- Application of model METQ for hydrological calculations / Anda Bakute, Inga Grīnfelde, Ainis Lagzdiņš
- Ķīmisko elementu ilglaicīgā un īslaicīgā piesārņojuma izplatība Jelgavas pilsētā = Distribution of long-term and short-term pollution of chemical elements in Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka, zin. vad. Inga Grīnfelde
- Macronutrient leaching in a fertilized juvenile hybrid aspen (Populus tremula L. × P. tremuloides Michx.) plantation cultivated in an agroforestry system in Latvia / Arta Bardule, Inga Grinfelde, Dagnija Lazdina, Andis Bardulis, Toms Sarkanabols
- Metāna un oglekļa dioksīda daudzums teļu spureklī, kas baroti ar prebiotiku inulīnu = Amount of methane and carbon dioxide in calves' rumen fed with prebiotic inulin / Sintija Jonova, Aija Ilgaža, Inga Grīnfelde
- The automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from synthetic fertiliser application / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina
- The local parameters sensitivity of urban hydrological response unit of conceptual hydrological model METQ / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute
- The measurements of ammonia emission from agricultural soils using cavity ring down spectroscopy / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva
- The anthropogenic air pollution source identification in urban areas using snow sampling / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- The changes of lake hydrological cycle: a case study of lake Usma in Latvia / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Kristine Steinberga, Jovita Pilecka
- Automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide emission measurements from soil using recirculation system / Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Karina Zaharane, Laima Berzina
- Urban hydrological response unit parameter calibration and verification for conceptual hydrological model METQ / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute
- Impact of coal ash and phosphogypsum application on soil fertility of chernozem soils of north Kazakhstan / Altynay Rakhimova, Abilzhan Khussainov, Inga Grinfelde
- Impact of the Slampe river renaturalisation on hydrological regime of nearby territories / Laura Virubka, Inga Grīnfelde
- Measurements of direct N2O and NH3 emissions from nitrogen fertilizers application in laboratory conditions / Karīna Zaharāne, Inga Grīnfelde
- Development of sustainable urban rain water management and drainage systems in Latvia’s climate conditions / Madara Keiva, Inga Grinfelde
- Peat extraction impact on hydrological regime of raised bog / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde
- The Automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions measurements from soil using recirculation and closed chamber systems [elektroniskais resurss] / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva
- Greenhouse gases and ammonia emission evaluation of conventional and organic dairy farming in Baltic region / Laima Berzina, Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva
- The measurements of direct N2O and NH3 emissions from nitrogen fertilizers application in laboratory conditions / Olga Frolova, Karina Zaharane, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Laima Berzina
- Heavy metal concentration and distribution of snow and lichea samples in urban area: case study of Jelgava / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis
- Measurement time estimation of CO2, CH4, N2O and NH3 in closed chambers and recirculation system with Picarro G2508 analyser / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova, Laima Berzina, Inga Grinfelde
- Purva robežu noteikšana / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde, Maija Bērziņa, Olga Frolova
- Spektrofotometra Picarro G2508 izmantošanas iespējas siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju noteikšanai dažādās augsnēs / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde, Olga Frolova, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Bērziņa
- Frēzkūdras ieguves ietekme uz augstā purva hidroloģisko režīmu / Inga Grīnfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Olga Frolova, Kristīne Valujeva
- Hidroakustiskā doplera RiverRay izmantošana upju hidromorfoloģiskajos pētījumos / Olga Frolova, Inga Grīnfelde, Jovita Pilecka
- Urbānās hidroloģiskās atbildes vienības integrācija konceptuālajā hidroloģiskajā modelī METQ / Inga Grīnfelde, Vadims Uļčugačevs
- The local parameters sensitivity of urban hydrological response unit of conceptual hydrological model METQ / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute
- Gravas un Vecdzirnavu HES darbības ietekme uz Usmas ezera ūdens līmeņu svārstībām / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde.
- Impact of inulin on increase of calves’ body weight and methane emission / Aija Ilgaza, Sintija Gorodko, Inga Grinfelde
- Base nutrient leaching in the fertilized hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides x Populus tremula) plantation cultivated in agroforestry system in Latvia / Inga Grinfelde, Arta Bardule, Dagnija Lazdina, Toms Sarkanabols, Andis Bardulis
- Sensetivity Analysis of The Conceptual Model METQ
- Pamatmēslojuma ietekme uz augsnes ūdens kvalitāti Populus tremuloides X Populus Tremula kokaugu stādījumā minerālaugsnē / Arta Bārdule, Dagnija Lazdiņa, Inga Grīnfelde, Toms Sarkanābols, Andis Bārdulis
- The abandoned block-cut peat extraction field influence on the natural raised bog hydrological regime / Oskars Purmalis, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Juris Burlakovs
- Sensetivity Analysis of The Conceptual Model METQ / Inga Grīnfelde, Anda Bakute. I
- The Changes of Lake Hydrological Regime: a Case Study of Lake Usma in Latvia / Inga Grīnfelde, Kristīne Šteinberga, Jovita Pilecka. I
- Integration of Urban Hydrological Response Unit in to the Conceptual Model METQ / Inga Grīnfelde, Anda Bakute. I
- Phytotechnologies for management of contaminated with persistent pesticide soil in Ukraine / Lidiya Mokliachuk, Inga Grīnfelde
- Sensitivity analysis of the conceptual model METQ / A. Bakute, I. Grinfelde
- The changes of lake hydrological regime: a case study of lake Usma in Latvia / I. Grinfelde, K. Steinberga, J. Pilecka
- Integration of urban hydrological response unit into the conceptual model METQ / I. Grinfelde, A. Bakute
- The peat extraction impact on hydrological regime of the raised bog / I. Grinfelde, K. Valujeva, O. Purmalis
- Augi palīdz attīrīt piesārņojumu / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde, Inga Straupe.
- Optimisation of sustainabale water level management: case study of lake Usma / Anna Kuduma, Inga Grīnfelde
- The impact of catchment area land management on lake water level fluctuations / Sabine Oficiere, Inga Grinfelde
- The application of phytoremediation technology in Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde
- Ecological rationing of phosphogypsum and coal ash application on chernozem soils in the content of heavy metals / Altynay Rakhimova, Abilzhan Khussainov, Inga Grinfelde
- Development of the greenhouse gas emission calculation tool MITGHGLV / Laima Berzina, Inga Grinfelde, Olga Frolova
- The development of conceptual model METQ and integration in study process / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Jovita Pilecka
- Fitoremediācija : izmantošanas iespējas Latvijā / K. Valujeva, I. Grīnfelde, I. Straupe ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Meža un ūdens resursu zinātniskā laboratorija.
- Groundwater remediation of oil products by using the phytoremediation method / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde
- Plant reflected spectra depending on biological characteristics and growth conditions / Amanda Karlovska, Inga Grīnfelde, Ina Alsiņa, Gints Priedītis, Daina Roze
- The impact of small hydroenergetic to the lakes’ hydrological regime / Anna Kuduma, Inga Grīnfelde
- The abandoned block-cut peat extraction field impact on the naturally raised bog hydrological regime / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde
- Ar karjeras metodi izstrādāto kūdras purvu hidroloģiskā režīma atjaunošanās / Inga Grīnfelde, Kristīne Valujeva, Oskars Purmalis
- Water quality improvement measures for the Abava river / Anita Rībena, Inga Grīnfelde
- The use of phytoremediation method in Latvia / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Inga Grīnfelde
- Influence of tourist objects on the water quality in Usma lake / Žanete Ziemele, Inga Grīnfelde
- The long-term changes of lake Usma hydrological regime / Kristine Steinberga, Inga Grinfelde
- Gruntsūdeņu attīrīšana no naftas produktiem, izmantojot fitoremediācijas metodi / Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde, Inga Straupe
- The Gravas and Vecdzirnavu hydropower station impact on Usma lake water level fluctuaction / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde
- Drained lakes in the territory of Latvia / Olga Frolova, Inga Grīnfelde
- Peat extraction impact on hydrological regime of high moss / Agris Bodnieks, Inga Grinfelde
- Assessment of water body overgrow using GIS technologies: case study of lake Usma / Zane Sarkane, Inga Grinfelde
- Changes of lake hydrological cycle: case study of lake Usma in Latvia / Kristine Steinberga, Inga Grinfelde
- Sensitivity test of hydrological model METQ / Karlis Deikovskis, Inga Grinfelde
- The impact of climate change on the annual variation of shallow groundwater levels in Latvia / Didzis Lauva, Inga Grinfelde, Arturs Veinbergs, Kaspars Abramenko, Valdis Vircavs, Zane Dimanta, Ilva Vitola
- Impact of climate change on the shallow groundwater level regime in Latvia / D. Lauva, I. Grinfelde, A. Veinbergs
- Changes in groundwater levels at agricultural fields caused by climate changes / J. Valters, I. Grinfelde, E. Pundurs
- Hydroengineering sciences : hydrology, hydrotechnics and water management - higher education development perspectives in Latvia = Hidroinženierzinātņu : hidroloģijas, hidrotehnikas un ūdenssaimniecības apakšnozares augstākās izglītības programmu attīstības perspektīvas Latvijā / Inga Grinfelde